
Anise seed

Anise seed is a spice from a plant that grows in temperate subtropical areas in sunny spots in an airy, sandy loamy soil. The quality is determined by the percentage of oil the seeds contain, its light brown colour and the spicy, pungent taste.

Currently, the best quality anise seed comes from Egypt and Spain. Verstegen only supplies the very best quality, from these countries.


The origin

Anise seed originates from the Middle East, mainly from Egypt. Other important producing countries for anise seed are in Central and South America, Mediterranean countries, Russia and India. Currently, the best quality anise seed comes from Egypt and Spain. The quality is determined by the percentage of oil the seeds contain, its light brown colour and the spicy, pungent taste. Verstegen only supplies the very best quality, which is why the Verstegen Aniseed seed comes from Egypt and Spain.


Characteristics of the spice

Anise seed comes from the umbelliferous annual plant. This plant grows about 60 to 80 cm high. Anise seeds are egg-shaped and about 3 to 4 mm long. They can be recognized by the wire at the top. The smell and taste of aniseed seeds are specific, aromatic and sweet, and clearly different from other spices.


Did you know that

the specific taste of anise is characteristic of spirits such as Raki and Ouzo.

Did you know that

people in China and India chew anise seeds to have fresh breath?

Anise seed in the kitchen

Anise seed can be used in savory, spicy and sweet dishes. It may be added to drinks for a sweetish aroma. You can use anise in cakes, milk drinks, stewed fruit, puddings and rice. The spice is a main component of the five spices mix.
